ATU Teaching & Learning Showcase 2022

Keynote: Taking Time to Reflect, and Imagining Higher Education Futures

Dr Catherine Cronin, Open Educator | Open Researcher | GO-GN Fellow 2022

Dr Catherine Cronin focuses on critical and social justice approaches to digital and open education and is a regular contributor to collaborative projects and conversations in the areas of digital, open and higher education, within Ireland and globally. She has been involved in teaching, research and advocacy in higher education and in the community for over 30 years.

Watch the full Teaching & Learning Centre Showcase on YouTube

Showcase 1: Education for Sustainability Literacy to Leadership

Dr Mark Kelly, Head of Centre for Sustainability, ATU Galway-Mayo | Senior Lecturer in Dept of Building & Civil Engineering, ATU Galway City

Showcase 2: Post Pandemic - Potential playgrounds of pedagogy

Gavin Clinch, Head of Online Learning Innovation, ATU Sligo

Showcase 3: Introduction to NTUTORR – Transforming Learning, Teaching & Assessment in the Technological University (TU) Sector

Dr Carina Ginty, Head of Teaching & Learning, ATU Galway-Mayo | NTUTORR ATU Institutional Lead

Showcase 4: A New Review of Badge Success

Dr Wayne Gibbons, Lecturer in Dept of Building & Civil Engineering, ATU Galway City | Learning Technologist of the Year, ALT Award Winner 2022

Showcase 5: ATU - A Collaborative Approach in Building a Culture of Inclusion

Dr Niamh Plunkett, Head of Teaching & Learning and Maureen Haran, Lecturer in UDL, ATU Sligo

Showcase 6: Implementing Universal Design for Teaching & Learning in a Hospitality Management Programme

Patrick Brennan & Eloise McGinty, Lecturers in Dept of Tourism & Sport, ATU Donegal Killybegs

Showcase 7: Dynamic Digital Scaffolding: An approach to encourage autonomous learning using intelligent automation

Dr Kevin Meehan, Lecturer in Dept of Computing, ATU Donegal Letterkenny

Showcase 8: Teaching & Learning ePortfolio Showcase

Dr Gabriela Gliga, Graduate, Certificate in Teaching and Learning | Lecturer in Dept of Enterprise & Technology, ATU Galway-Mayo
