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Business Plan

Author: ATU Galway

What is it?

A formal statement of theoretical business goals, reasons they are attainable, feasibility of the business idea, plans for reaching them, and funding. It may also contain background information about the organisation or team attempting to reach those goals. This method of assessment encourages students to break down and understand the steps involved in setting up a business.

Advantages & Challenges

Tips for Use

  • Explain the purpose of the assignment, the components required, and any specific criteria or expectations for evaluation.
  • Provide students with examples or templates to help students understand the structure and format of a business plan.
  • Have students select a business concept or idea that they will develop into a comprehensive business plan. Encourage them to choose a concept that aligns with their interests and future career goals.
  • Require students to conduct thorough research and analysis to inform their business plans. This may include market research, competitive analysis, financial projections, risk assessment, and feasibility studies.


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