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Author: ATU Galway

What is it?

A blog is a web page where the writer can make regular additions on various topics over specified timeframes. Hyperlinks, images, audio, and videos can be included with the text and can be presented creatively. This allows students to write about specific topics or experiences i.e., work experience, in a creative manner.

Advantages & Challenges

Tips for Use

  • Exemplars can help to show students what’s expected of them, so it may be helpful if students can review work from earlier years prior to starting their blog.
  • If students’ backgrounds have not prepared them for working regularly online, they may need support to familiarise them with the VLE you use.
  • You should set very clear guidelines on word counts and duration of inputs and deadlines to avoid making review and assessment unmanageable.
  • Where students are commenting on each other’s work, it is advisable to have conversations in advance about what constructive critique comprises.


Related Tools

Do you have a digital story to tell?

We are accepting submissions for the blog in order to feature all kinds of digital stories. Follow the link below to a submission form where you can submit your own digital story.