Case Study

What is it? Case studies involve real-life situations and often take the form of problem-based inquiry. They enable students to apply their knowledge of a modules material to identify problems […]


What is it? A debate involves students researching and analysing a topic based on stance they have chosen or are giving to take for the purpose of the assessment. They […]

Dissertation / Thesis

What is it? Students produce independent research on a question or problem of their choice and produce a substantial thesis/dissertation providing a deep understanding of the topic. This document is […]

e-Portfolio / Portfolio

What is it? A compilation of academic work and other forms of educational evidence assembled by a student for the purpose of evaluating coursework quality, learning progress, and academic achievement […]


What is it? Students are required to write an essay on specified or agreed topics within given parameters e.g., word count, use of different literature sources etc. Students are required […]

Essay Plan

What is it? The skeleton of an essay including arguments, main points, and conclusions. Students demonstrate their preparation, planning and reading on the topic instead of having to write a […]

Examination (in-person)

What is it? A written examination that tests students knowledge of a module through various types of questions i.e multiple choice, short answer questions, essay questions and case scenarios.

Group Work

What is it? A learning situation where students work as part of a group to collaborate on an assessment. The assessment can be based on a variety of assessment types. […]

Reflective Journal

What is it? A reflective document kept through the period of a learning detailing day to day activities, learnings, and challenges i.e., work placement journal or laboratory journal.