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Laboratory Report

What is it? Students write a report for practical’s undertaken in the lab. These include information about the procedures, results, and skills demonstrated. This helps to assess students’ subject knowledge, […]

Literature Review

What is it? A piece of academic writing, which summarises and reviews previous research on a topic without bias. In the literature review students’ review scholarly articles, books, and other […]

Annotated Bibliography

What is it? Students produce a list of citations from texts, primary sources and internet sites on specific topics followed by a brief descriptive and evaluative paragraph, the purpose of […]

Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ)

What is it? A type of examination in which a question is presented and the answers are given in the form of options from which the student must select the […]

App / Website Creation

What is it? The creation of a digital application or website which allows students creatively demonstrate the Software and IT skills learned through a specific module or topic.

Open-Book Examination

What is it? A form of examination where the student can use a book, a piece of text or their own notes to help formulate arguments for the given question. […]

Article Writing or Analysis

What is it? Students are asked to write on a particular topic(s) to an agreed length in a specific style writing in the style such as a journal, newspaper. or […]

Oral Examination

What is it? Verbal interaction between assessor and student on a specific topic. This enables students to verbalize their understanding of content. Often associated with assessing language subjects to assess […]


What is it? A blog is a web page where the writer can make regular additions on various topics over specified timeframes. Hyperlinks, images, audio, and videos can be included […]

Peer Graded Assessments

What is it? Students grade and/or provide feedback on each other’s assignments using rubrics/grading criteria they have developed themselves or with which they have been provided. This helps students to […]