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As part of the DigitalEd development initiatives for the ATU, a monthly webinar and workshop series is coordinated by the ATU Teaching and Learning Centre (Galway-Mayo). Check out upcoming events below.

Re-imagining Assessment: Making it real! A Masterclass with Kay Sambell & Sally Brown


Considering how assessment impacts on student learning has long been central to our thinking in higher education, but Covid-19 has brought this even more sharply into focus, requiring us to consider how assessment approaches and practices can engage and motivate students. Accordingly, returning to former excessive over-use of unseen, time-constrained on-campus exams doesn't seem sensible […]


Grades on Moodle


This session will demonstrate the functionality of how to grade assessments on Moodle through a variety of ways, show how the results from these assessments can be exported and how to export the questions used in a quiz on Moodle.


7 Wonders of Moodle: Call and See Em! (H5P)


There are more than 7 wonders to H5P! Discover how to use it in Moodle & learn how you can explore a little bit of ancient Rome through the creative use of different H5P types. This is a 1hr quick introduction to H5P.


Academic Integrity Hub in GMIT


This session will showcase the Academic Integrity Hub which is available to staff in GMIT and discuss how this can ben incorporated into your teaching practices.




In this webinar, Dublin City University and Galway Mayo Institute of Technology will deliver presentations: 1. DCU will present on different approaches to supporting peer assessment activities with students using Moodle (DigCompEdu competence 4.1 'Assessment strategies') 2. GMIT will present on its learning analytics initiative which draws data from Moodle (DigCompEdu competence 4.2 'Analysing evidence')
