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As part of the DigitalEd development initiatives for the ATU, a monthly webinar and workshop series is coordinated by the ATU Teaching and Learning Centre (Galway-Mayo). Check out upcoming events below.



In this webinar, Dublin City University and Technological University Dublin will deliver presentations: 1. DCU will present on playful approaches to CPD with Moodle (DigCompEdu competence 1.4 'Digital CPD') 2. TU Dublin will share examples of gamification and practical tips to implement them (DigCompEdu competence 5.3 'Actively Engaging Learners')


Digital Ink: Using OneNote as a Whiteboard for online classes


Learn how to use Microsoft OneNote as a whiteboard in online classes. Explore the functions for hand drawings, maths and multimedia content and learn to create live handwritten demos that can be shared and replayed.


MS Bookings – Administrator Training


Microsoft Bookings is an online reservation/scheduling tool that enables you to quickly and easily setup an appointment system. Bookings can be used for many different scenarios. For example; booking one-to-one appointments, booking into training sessions, rostering staff for specific services, reserving equipment or spaces. After this session you will be able to find, setup and […]


Writing Learning Outcomes


This session will provide participants with an introduction to writing learning outcomes for modules. We will also discuss the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains of learning. A number of design aids will be shared to support module descriptor enhancements.


Getting Up & Running with Digital Open Badges (Part 2)

This session is designed to familiarise participants with not only what digital open badges are, but how to use them within their context. Part 1 is a 2-hour session that includes defining digital badges, identifying which types of badges work best, elements focusing on the ‘how to’ aspect of designing, creating, issuing, and receiving digital […]


Re-imagining Assessment: Making it real! A Masterclass with Kay Sambell & Sally Brown


Considering how assessment impacts on student learning has long been central to our thinking in higher education, but Covid-19 has brought this even more sharply into focus, requiring us to consider how assessment approaches and practices can engage and motivate students. Accordingly, returning to former excessive over-use of unseen, time-constrained on-campus exams doesn't seem sensible […]
