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As part of the DigitalEd development initiatives for the ATU, a monthly webinar and workshop series is coordinated by the ATU Teaching and Learning Centre (Galway-Mayo). Check out upcoming events below.

Active Learning Strategies – A Travel and Tourism Programme Perspective


The devastating impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on the national and international travel and tourism industries y have been well documented to date (WTO, 2021; OECD, 2021; Fáilte Ireland, 2021; ITIC, 2021Research suggests that online learning has been shown to increase retention of information, and take less time, meaning the changes coronavirus have caused might […]


Challenges for Learning Design & Teaching Practice Beyond the Pandemic


The earlier embedding of student-centred approaches to learning and teaching, digital innovation, co-creation and institutional capacity building were key to the transition to emergency remote teaching across the global HE sector in March 2020. Many institutions wedded to traditional teaching methods encountered barriers as they moved from campus-based provision to online learning at scale and […]


Teaching, Learning and Assessment Approaches to Support Wellbeing


A keynote presentation on the topic of 'pedagogy of care' will be delivered by Maha Bali from the Center for Learning and Teaching at the American University in Cairo. Contributions will also be made by Dean O'Reilly, DCU Students' Union, Caroline Mahon, DCU Healthy and Prof. Alan Smeaton, DCU School of Computing. The seminar will […]


Using Creative Methodologies to Explore Issues in Educational Practice


This online seminar offers theoretical and methodological insights on a range of creative and pedagogic approaches to data gathering and analysis. It also focuses on issues of interpretation and its role in narrative research through offering alternative forms of ‘giving voice'. It is envisaged that the session will include practical tasks where attendees will experiment […]


Ally – Accessible Content Is Better Content


Blackboard Ally helps institutions build a more inclusive learning environment and improve the student experience by helping them take clear control of course content with usability, accessibility and quality in mind. Ally helps to provide alternative formats for all learners which will help to improve the overall student experience with alternative formats that provide students […]




In this webinar, Dublin City University and City of Dublin Education & Training Board will deliver presentations: 1. DCU will present on the experiences of using Moodle Board activity to foster collaborative learning (DigCompEdu competence 3.3 'Collaborative learning') 2. CDETB will present on reimagining Moodle; improving quality, productivity, and morale among their staff (DigCompEdu Area […]


Vevox Pedagogy Series: University educators share their top tips for success


Wanting to learn how you can make your classes more engaging? Want to hear top tips, methods and success stories from educators at UK universities as to how they're overcoming the challenges of hybrid learning? Then join our monthly webinars where our guest speakers will be sharing their advice and showing you ways to boost […]


ePortfolio: Enhancing Student Engagement through Reflective Writing


Learning ObjectivesIdentify the challenges faced by students when they engage with ePortfolio writing; Examine ways to support students in writing effective reflections on their learning and experience; Critically assess some ‘case study’ examples of international best practice associated with writing reflectively for ePortfolio; Reflect on how these successes and challenges might transfer to an Irish […]
