
As part of the DigitalEd development initiatives for the ATU, a monthly webinar and workshop series is coordinated by the ATU Teaching and Learning Centre (Galway-Mayo). Check out upcoming events below.

What’s new in Moodle?


Check out the new appearance as well as useful features and functions in ATU Galway-Mayo's virtual learning environment (VLE).


Gradebook Setup


Have you ever set up your gradebook so that Moodle calculates the weighted grades for you and your students? This session will cover the steps required to setup your gradebook […]


Ally: Making content more accessible


Learn how Ally can help make the files you put on Moodle more accessible. Ally creates up to 7 alternative formats for your files and all you need to do […]


Grades on Moodle


Discover how to setup how students can check their grades on Moodle which are specific to them and accurate according to how your module marks are split up.


Alternative Grading Methods on Moodle


Discover how you can setup a Rubric or Marking guide on Moodle with the Assignment activity. These grading methods help you to assign marks quicker while at the same time […]


Grades on Moodle: Post Assessment Tips and Guidelines


This session focuses on the post assessment stage of delivery of a module whether this be a continuous assessment or an end of semester assessment. This will discuss how grades […]


New Moodle Assignment Grading Method

This session will showcase a new grading method available exclusively to ATU. We have worked with our Moodle provider to develop a customised rubric to reflect how you would use […]

Getting Started with Moodle Quiz

Set-up your question banks and create robust quizzes using a variet of question types and strategies.