
As part of the DigitalEd development initiatives for the ATU, a monthly webinar and workshop series is coordinated by the ATU Teaching and Learning Centre (Galway-Mayo). Check out upcoming events below.

Latest Past Events

AHEAD Annual International Conference – Unity: How Staff and Learner Communities Drive Inclusion in Tertiary Education

The community of professionals working to support equity and inclusion of people with disabilities in further and higher education, and to promote the wider concepts of universal design and UDL, is growing at a rapid pace. Equally, the welcome trend towards increased student partnership in tertiary education is providing more opportunities for learners to contribute […]


Better Options 2022


Ideal for adults returning to education or for students with disabilities considering their post leaving cert educational options, parents and guidance counsellors.


Unlocking Accessible Communications #WAMinar


The webinar will commence with a presentation from Jessica Dunne, Communications & Events Officer at AHEAD . The presentation will focus on the importance of making all communications from your business accessible to audiences with disabilities. We will then hear from Laocín Brennan with a practical overview on ensuring that emails, PowerPoint presentations, Word documents […]
