
As part of the DigitalEd development initiatives for the ATU, a monthly webinar and workshop series is coordinated by the ATU Teaching and Learning Centre (Galway-Mayo). Check out upcoming events below.

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AHEAD Annual International Conference – Unity: How Staff and Learner Communities Drive Inclusion in Tertiary Education

March 23 2023


The community of professionals working to support equity and inclusion of people with disabilities in further and higher education, and to promote the wider concepts of universal design and UDL, is growing at a rapid pace. Equally, the welcome trend towards increased student partnership in tertiary education is providing more opportunities for learners to contribute meaningfully to this community, and the dialogue about policy and practice within it.
But what does all of that mean for the state of play regarding inclusion in tertiary education and the consistency of learner support? Is this growing community meaningfully and positively impacting on policy, practice and ultimately, student success? If so, how can we more closely align our communities, raise the voices of diverse staff and learners with them, and maximise their collective impact?

As Ireland moves towards a more unified tertiary education system, and more unified communities of policy makers, professional staff, educators and learners within these sectors, this conference will explore individual, institutional, national and international views on how we can leverage the power of community to drive equity and inclusion in the tertiary education system.


March 23 2023
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