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Responsive desktop H5P editor

Resource Type: Editor
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Lumi is a desktop application that allows you to create, edit, view and export interactive H5P content. It is an editor and quick viewer all in one. Since it is a desktop application it is fast and ideal for working with larger H5P designs that can then be saved, exported and uploaded to where you plan on hosting your H5P content.

Recommended by our Digital Champions:
This tool is the business when working with H5P. I cannot imagine working without it. Although many of us can and do work with H5P within Moodle, the delay on saving and viewing work can be a serious headache and can discourage beginner designers. This tool speeds up design and testing time massively as it's quick, responsive and exactly what you need in an editor. If you are planning on building H5P content I seriously suggest you look at this.
Orla Skehill
Orla Skehill
ATU Galway-Mayo

Related Digital Story

Ease of Use
The tool has a user-friendly interface and it is easy for instructors and students to become skillful with in a personalized and intuitive manner.
Media Rich & Flexible Features
The tool promotes a diverse mix of representational forms e.g. audio visual textual and allows for non-sequential flexibleadaptive engagement with material
Mobile Design & Functionality
Not applicable
Integration / Embedding with Moodle
Not applicable
Support / Help
Technical support and help documentation is available directly from the software providers website andor built in to the application.
Not Applicable
Learning Analytics
Not Applicable
Enhancement of Cognitive Tasks
Not Applicable
Metacognitive Engagement
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Sign Up / Sign In
Use of the tool does not require the creation of an external account or additional login such that no personal user information is collected and shared.
Archiving, Saving, and Exporting Data
Users can archive save or import and export content or activity data in a variety of formats
User-focused Participation
Not Applicable
Cost of Use
All aspects of the tool can be used free of charge.
There is no IT support available for this product in any of the institutes.

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