

Author: ATU Galway

What is it?

A debate involves students researching and analysing a topic based on stance they have chosen or are giving to take for the purpose of the assessment. They argue this stance against other students using factual and well-articulated points. The debate can be conducted with two participants or a group of participants.

Advantages & Challenges

Tips for Use

  • Establish a structured format for the debate, including rules, time limits, roles, and topics. Divide students into teams and assign specific positions or arguments for each team to defend.
  • Demonstrate to students how the debate process will take place, show videos from debates to give them an idea of what is expected from them.
  • Require students to conduct thorough research and preparation for the debate. Encourage them to gather evidence, analyse data, and develop persuasive arguments to support their positions.
  • Provide guidelines or rubrics outlining the criteria by which the debate will be evaluated, such as argumentation, evidence, rebuttal, and presentation skills.
  • Select debate topics that are linked to the module and learning outcomes.


Sample Rubrics


Rubric for team/group debates:

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