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App / Website Creation

Author: ATU Galway

What is it?

The creation of a digital application or website which allows students creatively demonstrate the Software and IT skills learned through a specific module or topic.

Advantages & Challenges

Tips for Use

  • Identify the learning objectives of this assessment i.e. are you looking to assess students on the design process, innovative ideas to solve real world issues or their ability to code and create their own sites.
  • Depending on what you are aiming to assess the difficulty of this assessment type will vary.
  • Consider as an initial step giving the students a scenario or problem that they will have to create an app or website relating to the topics.
  • This can be used as an individual or group-based assessment.
  • This process could be broken into different sections i.e. brainstorming ideas, researching the market, developing feasibility studies, storyboarding ideas, creating a wireframe and developing a prototype.
  • When using this assessment primarily for design purposes there are many free tools online student can use to develop their storyboards and wireframes.
  • Create an in-depth rubric for this form of assessment. Some ideas for areas to add to the rubric are:
  1. Ability to design user-friendly interfaces.
  2. Have they introduced the problem.
  3. Write clean and efficient code (if applicable).
  4. Creativity.
  5. Originality.
  6. Usability.
  7. Functionality.
  8. Overall quality of the final product.

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